Sunday, February 27, 2011

Paintings and future textiles

 Someday I want Picasso replicas all over my house. To remind me that something doesn't have to be perfect or even make any sense in order to be beautiful. What is perfection anyway? I'd rather something to have character than be precise and exact.

I love the abstraction. I think to be surrounded by Picasso's works would remind me that I don't have to be so analytical and put so much thought into what doesn't matter...but to instead The things that do indeed matter will come along organically with time.

While I'm on the subject of art (when am I not), I'd really like to find a textile that makes me think of this painting by Van Gogh (Dance Hall at Arles; 1888)
Maybe I could use the color scheme and make a textile design myself (inspired by this painting) when I get to that point in school. That would be incredible. I wonder what fabric would be best's a painting on canvas, so something like tapestry cotton ottoman fabric to keep it more true-to-form.

Alas, here are a few more works of art I must own someday

              (Picasso variation of Velasueqez's Las Menina's)
                        (Picasso; Mandolin and guitar)

  (Picasso; Jacqueline with Flowers)

La vie d'amour, le style d'Amour, l'Amour toujours

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